Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hi Everyone, Welcome to the blog of Erez Sabag Studio! We have been busy busy this summer with many great projects that we will be sharing with you in the coming weeks. Along with this, look out for Erez's new book Seriously - the ongoing collaboration between Erez, Steel and Knife Style and makeup artist Andrea Helgadottir among others.
In case you haven't heard - a new addition to the crew has recently arrived. - Meet Lila, the new superstar of the Sabag Family.

Keep checking on this blog for news, projects, and other fun stuff



  1. Great website Erez! Keep up the excellent work. You are a true talent. Will Lila also follow daddy's steps when she grows up?:)

  2. You are the best! Lila has such inspiring parents! loved the video by the way... the ending is questionable! xoD
